Take Back Control with a Mindfulness

If you feel overwhelmed, your response to every situation can be impulsive and emotional.

You may feel that you have lost control and sometimes struggle to cope with the demands placed on you.

A stress response (fight, flight, freeze) is a natural reaction to threatening situations. In times of trouble, it can help us to survive.

Mindfulness in Norwich City Centre: This is suitable for anyone who is experiencing mild/moderate anxiety, burnout or stress. For more information, please watch this space or contact me directly.

So, what’s the problem?

The difficulty is that, in a highly pressured society, full of uncertainty and change, the stress response can be constantly fired up.

How can we help ourselves?

There is a way to take back control!

Mindfulness teaches you how to recognise stress in yourself and others, enabling you to self-manage and self-regulate the body’s response.

The mindfulness-based course introduces you to practical ways of looking after your well-being and to manage your stress levels, acknowledging thoughts, feelings and body sensations in a practical way.

Benefits of the Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course

Your commitment to this scientifically-researched 8-week course can bring multiple benefits including:

  • A reduction in stress levels
  • A greater sense of well-being
  • An increased level of overall work and life satisfaction
  • Improved sleeping patterns
  • Increased self-awareness and awareness of others
  • Higher levels of personal resilience
  • Enhanced communication skills
  • Increased concentration and attention span
  • Lower levels of reactivity/ impulsiveness
  • A greater capacity to hold and manipulate information
  • Reduced levels of psychological distress, including depression and anxiety

Benefits taken from research completed by Michael Chaskalson – “The Mindful Workplace”

Invest in Yourself

If your life is one hectic schedule of tasks, it might feel impossible or selfish to allocate time to yourself.

Investing in yourself will help you and everyone around you.

Mindfulness can be used as a practical skill throughout daily life and can be particularly useful during challenging times.

Mindfulness training teaches you how to ‘be with’ and manage the noise and clutter of life and the mind.

Whilst you shift your focus inward, you will learn techniques to help calm your body and mind, making space for clarity of thought.

The training will help you become more aware of your thoughts, body sensations and feelings.

You will recognise habitual patterns that may have been useful to you in the past but are no longer of benefit.

It is time to invest in yourself, so you can regain a sense of control and a better understanding of who you are and what you need.

The 3 elements of the Mindfulness-based course

The Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction course includes 3 elements:
1. Mindfulness meditations
2. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) exercises
3. Reflective discussions

Find out more about Mindfulness for Individuals

~ Jo Clarke

Mindfulness-based Course in Norfolk